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Ben Collins | Australian Times

What is Bob Brown Hiding?

April 16, 2012 by Ben Collins in Politics with 0 Comments

Journalists have to be very careful about what they publish, unless of course they work for the Woman’s Day. But there is something about the resignation of Bob Brown this week that just doesn’t make sense to me.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Bob Brown is a good man. I don’t necessarily agree with his policies, but I do believe his intentions are genuine. Bob’s a believer. Bob’s appears to be what all politicians should be: honest, full of conviction and the kind of stubbornness that makes the ideal leader of a left leaning party.

Originally a GP, he was first elected to representative parliament in 1983, and was the Member for Denison in the Tasmanian State Parliament. He moved to the Senate in 1996 and became leader of The Greens in 2005.

He once spent 19 days in Rison Prison after protesting against the construction of the Franklin Dam. He became something of an environmental cult figure and became leader of the Tasmanian Wilderness Society.

Bob Brown has campaigned for all the underdog minority groups and has basically dedicated his life to making a noise. One year ago he was the leader of a minor party who would be lucky to see the Prime Minister form the House of Representatives viewing area. After the 2011 election, he started taking weekly meetings with the Prime Minister. Yes, Bob became a big deal and his career was soaring.

Then last week he quit, and this was his reason:

I look forward to fresh green pursuits including writing, photography, music, occasional talks, bushwalking, and getting out with Paul (his partner) to see Miranda Gibson who has been perched for 120 days 60 metres high, in defence of a giant tree facing destruction in central Tasmania

Problem is, he can’t do a whole lot for Miranda Gibson now, because Bob has decided to go from possibly the most powerful man in the country to a nobody. So why?

Why would a man who has dedicated his life to being heard, decide to quit less than a year into his greatest role ever when there is so much to be done? I find it difficult to accept that someone of Bob Brown’s convictions would just give pack up and go home. There has to be something else to this… what is Bob Brown hiding?
